Children are like a magical butterfly that while they give your life light, peace, dynamism and happiness, they pass quickly and it will end sooner than you accept…so why by recording this as a photo, it will be forever.
Child photography Session
Pregnancy photography will be one of your most special photos
If we want to say the best time for photographing a child from birth, the golden age is as follows: newborn - 8-9 months - one year and three years later
Challenging age
A challenging age for photographing children around two years old is a very challenging age. The child is very dynamic and hates being in one place even for a moment... it is not impossible to photograph him, we just have to enjoy his energetic and moving photos.
Older choldren
For older children, portrait photography is the perfect option, where the sparkle of their magical eyes swirls like a poem in the photo.
Bring suitable clothes for children, while remembering this point, children do not like to change clothes too much.
Important point
Please choose the time of photography of children under two years old according to their waking and alert time. It is normal for a sleepy, tired and hungry child not to cooperate for photography.
Schedule a time to photograph newborns before your childbirth.
Be sure to choose your photography day between 5-15 days of your baby.
The presence of the umbilical cord does not cause any disturbance in photography, do not worry about it.
The temperature of the environment is adjusted based on the physiology of the baby
We think of everything!
Don’t worry, choose us to photograph your Maternity.
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